
Creative Agency Vs Digital Agency

Form should follow function is the golden rule of design. Adhering to this rule is especially poignant when considering the design and roll-out of a marketing strategy for your business. There is no point in having an aesthetically attractive website with all the bells and whistles if it is not designed to generate business or drive your brand; similarly, there is little value in having a poorly designed, unappealing website and spending money on Digital Marketing to try and funnel end users toward it.

The following post will outline some basic difference between Creative Advertising Agencies and Digital Marketing Agencies in Perth and offer some clarity as to when and where to use them in relation to the design and execution of your marketing strategy.


Digital Marketing Agency

I’m sure you have been subjected to a deluge of Digital Marketing Definitions, so I’ll spare you… well, kind of. I’ll be quick. Digital Marketing is a brand or product promotion in the digital sphere. See, that wasn’t too bad.

Some of the services a Digital Marketing Agency can offer can help you with are:


Creative Advertising Agencies

Creative Advertising Agencies focus on the design aspects of your brand and business. They help to create (or refine) the story behind what you do and ensure that that uniqueness is relatable and relayed consistently to end-users. Because of this the term ‘Creative Advertising Agency’ is often interchangeable with ‘Brand Agency.’

Once you have a concise understanding of what your specific marketing strategy is trying to achieve and how it is going to do this, a Creative Advertising Agency can help solidify this vision and make sure it permeates through all the critical touchpoints of your business.

Some of the services offered by a Creative Advertising Agency are:

  • Logo Design
  • Letterheads
  • Business Cards
  • Stationary
  • Graphic Design (bus-backs, billboards, display advertising)
  • Copy Writing (website content, script writing for Spotify Radio Advertising)



To put it simply: A Creative Advertising Agency is focussed on the message, whereas a digital Marketing Agency is focussed on getting that message out there in the faces and ears of the desired audience. You need both a message and the expertise to drive it. That is why the majority of advertising agency fall in the creative camp or the digital marketing camp.

But dealing with two separate parties can be difficult and often some of that message can be lost in translation or diluted as there is no incentive for direct communication between the two camps and you are often dealing with a different person each time (think of how many campaign managers you have met at your current agency)

Studio22 was formed because of this exact problem. The Studio22 team has been cultivated from the ground up with specialists in all areas of creative design and digital execution to be a one-stop advertising and marketing shop.