
How to become a click bait G.O.A.T! Gain attention on social media.

Clickbait, noun, informal, (on the Internet) content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.

We’ve all been there. An innocently browsing the internet and, before you know it 4 hours have passed. Now you’re stuck in deep, dark internet holes, reading about how green jelly bears can destroy the planet.

Clickbait can be found everywhere. Even though we recognise the tactics used, it still makes us feel compelled to click. It is one of the most powerful digital marketing techniques.

You’re facing a lot of noise and pixel chaos when trying to get people to notice you on social media.

Clickbait’s goal is to create a unique spin on content that may otherwise be overlooked. A few ways to achieve this is by:

  • Make simple ideas more exciting by adding a theme. Strong themes, conceptual images and thoughtful design create curiosity for viewers.
  • Write copy that raises questions and sparks curiosity. Don’t simply use generic copy that is uninteresting, be creative and unique.
  • Trigger the emotion of the viewer by asking a problem. This sparks emotion and raises questions. Having an interesting hook is very engaging.
  • Use dramatic visuals to amplify what you’re wanting to communicate. An intriguing design that is humorous or evokes a specific emotion is engaging and creates curiosity.
  • Share a story to make your message more interesting. Using an intriguing concept, and an out of the box copy engages an audience.

How can clickbait be used in marketing?

Clickbait headlines, when done well, will get people to pay attention and make them stop. You might be wondering how you can make these clickbait headlines work for your digital marketing efforts without selling your soul.


A good headline will not only get clicked, but also the right clicks.

Clickbait refers to content that is designed to grab clicks and interest. Usually, it uses one tool: compelling content that is clickable.

Good digital marketing is about creating engaging headlines that are interesting and incite interest. Your headlines must live up to the promise. It is not enough to give a humorous spin on a common topic. The flip side is that a headline that doesn’t accurately portray your content will make it seem bad.

Headlines describe why the reader should pay attention to the content and indicate that it will evoke an emotion. Whilst this seems to work, as a Perth Digital Marketing Agency we believe, over-sensationalising stories can be a real turn-off. Instead, keep your headlines punchy and benefit driven. Try to refine the key benefits that your content offers the reader so that they immediately understand what it is.

Clickbait is a result of its dramatic headlines that focus on:

  • Cliff-hangers- This headline tactic is very popular on social media. This is where you pull out some intriguing details and promise the rest of your story. The teaser is just enough to make you want to click the link. This can be particularly effective for attorneys with client stories and case results.
    Example “You Won’t Believe What Happened After this Attorney Ditched Pay Per-Click”
  • Challenges- Clickbait can sometimes work because it challenges people and makes them question their abilities. These headlines are designed to motivate people to see if their abilities match up and to seek “insider” solutions if not.
    Example “Can you tell which one of these emails is a marketing scam?”
  • Secrets and tricks- Everybody wants to learn how pros do it and everybody loves little tricks that make their lives easier. These headlines promise unique, uncommon, or “secret” knowledge you won’t find anywhere else.
    Example: “7 Tips That Will Change How You Write Online Content (Number 5 Will Blow Your Mind!” )”
  • Fear- Clickbait headlines can play on the insecurity of their audience and drive clicks by providing the information that could save the day. These headlines work best if they are targeted at a niche or specific audience.
    Example “Your Law firm’s marketing will fail if you do these 5 things”

List and Numbers

Lists can be very beneficial in breaking down content and identifying the key takeaways. Visually, this content looks different. When we read a list, we either skim through it or stop to look at specific information. They were designed to meet today’s needs – short, simple information that does not require too much commitment. This can also be used as a gateway to more detailed, longer-lasting content. You will have an engaged audience that wants to learn more about your topic.

Linking to relevant articles on your website

As a Perth digital marketing agency, we specialise in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). SEO services in Perth best practices include internal linking to your site. However, the links must be relevant. You can encourage your audience to visit your website by adding links to your posts. This is unlike other sites that clickbait link to their readers. You are not trying to get them to click on ads in order generate revenue. Instead, you are simply providing content they might be interested and demonstrating your understanding of their needs. If you are interested in our seo services Perth, reach out to Studio22 today.

Mix It Up

These tactics can be used in a variety of ways. You need to diversify the content and formats you put out. Too much of the exact same thing can cause problems. It is essential to be able to discern when and where it is appropriate and/or advantageous to use different tones. For example, social media posts or blog posts might work well but case studies are less effective. These tactics can help you build a stronger relationship and encourage readers to explore your content.

Need help creating content that will attract, convert, and retain more of your ideal clients. Talk to us at Studio22, Perth’s digital marketing agency, about our content writing services and become a clickbait G.O.A.T!